How to Fix Microsoft Outlook Error Code 0x80042108?

The Microsoft Outlook alphanumeric error code 0x80042108 signifies that (POP3) mail server is not working properly. This error is one of the most common errors occurs during the time working with the Microsoft Outlook. Usually, occurs due to the corrupted or damaged PST files, third-party antivirus or due to firewall software, incomplete installation of the Microsoft Office, or sometimes occurs because of incorrect Outlook’s configuration settings.
Symptoms of Microsoft Outlook Error Code 0x80042108
  • The Microsoft Outlook SMTP email messages will not be able to be received or sent by any user.
  • All Outlook applications will stop working or not start.
  • Unfortunately, Outlook applications perform suddenly.
  • While working with the files of Outlook, the problem will arise on the screen like as problem-related to storing or accessing data.
  • Many others Outlook operations including saving of contacts, scheduling tasks and many more would be unable to perform properly.
Causes of Microsoft Outlook Error Code 0x80042108
  • Wrong Microsoft Outlook configuration.
  • Due to corrupted and damaged PST files.
  • Due to improper or incorrect installation and update of the Microsoft Office.
  • If your system is caused by viruses or any malicious threats.
  • Any Anti-spam add-ins installed in the Outlook might conflict the Outlook application.
  • Due to corrupted or damaged system files leads to the system errors and throws an error code 0x80042108.
In this article, we try to provide you with effective steps which help you in fixing the Microsoft Outlook error code 0x80042108. The steps are simple and easy to understand. The steps are discussed below.
Steps to Fix Microsoft Outlook Error Code 0x80042108
Primarily, remember that you have to follow the given steps in ascending order to avoid trouble and unwanted error. Whenever you found this error, ensure that your internet connection is strong and working properly. After that, carefully, check the Microsoft Outlook email settings, as sometimes the issue is with the settings. If still the error exists, then follow the below given steps.
Fix-1: Install Latest Updates
Before going with the steps, just confirm that there are no pending updates for Outlook and other programs installed on your computer system. Here how to install all the latest updates for Outlook.
  1. Hit the ‘Start’ button to open it on the screen.
  2. Under the ‘Start’ window, press the Windows + R keys to launch the Command Prompt.
  3. In the ‘Command Prompt’ box, type in ‘Update’ and hit ‘Enter’ key.
  4. Now, a ‘Windows Update’ notification box will emerge on your screen with all the uninstalled updates.
  5. You need to right-click on all the updates to successfully install them.
  6. Lastly, restart your computer system for the changes to take effects.
Fix-2: Update the Computer Drivers
Sometimes, outdated drivers might be a reason behind the occurrence of this error code 0x80042108. However, only the updated computer drivers can give surety that your computer is working smoothly. Here how to update drivers.
  1. Firstly, right-click on the ‘My Computers’ icon.
  2. My computers window, choose ‘Properties’ option.
  3. Under the ‘Properties’ option, choose and click on the Device Manager to open it.
  4. A list will appear on the screen, search for the device which contains ‘Yellow Exclamation’ sign.
  5. Right-click on the device which is with the Yellow exclamation sign, pick ‘Update Driver’ option.
  6. Lastly, restart your computer system to save all the changes.
Once done, try to send an email and check that the error is resolved or not.
Aron Smith is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles on QuickBooks Support and many other related topics. He is a very knowledgeable person with lots of experience.


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